UPDATED: CIF Covid Guidelines & Modifications
CIF has posted a recent update for 4/27/21. https://cifstate.org/covid-19/CIF_CV-19_Guidelines.pdf
CIFSoftballofficials.org is not affiliated with CIF. Please visit CIFState.org.
CIF has posted a recent update for 4/27/21. https://cifstate.org/covid-19/CIF_CV-19_Guidelines.pdf
These are great points to bring into your game and make you a better official. Original article is from Referee magazine. 1. When you “think”
December 1, 2020 CIF Statement Regarding Education-Based Athletics for 2020-21 School Year SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — Due to the continued surge in COVID-19 infections, the California
CIF has scheduled a CIF state tournament for the 2021 season to be played June 22, 24, 26. This is according to the CIF website
Hi, Welcome to our website! We’re still a bit of a work in progress, but progression is slowly being made to provide as much information
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CIF Softball Officials is a non-profit website that is targeted at providing specific information to the HS Softball Official community. The Logo’s referenced on this site are owned by the respective CIF Sections referenced here and are merely provided for reference to the respective sections home pages.
CIF Softball Officials makes no claim to any content contained within this website except to provide prospective and current officials with information and resources to assist them in furthering their officiating skills for the CIF HS Softball student-athlete.